Free SSMS Productivity Addin

Axial SQL Tools for SSMS 19/20

Improve your SQL Server Management Studio experience with Axial SQL Tools, a free add-in designed to streamline and enhance the productivity of database administrators and developers. Our tool seamlessly integrates with SSMS versions 19 and 20, offering an array of features specifically tailored to optimize your daily database management tasks.

Open Source and Community-Driven

Designed by DBAs for DBAs, Axial SQL Tools encapsulates years of hands-on experience and best practices into one intuitive package. This tool is the culmination of community insights, offering not just efficiency but also a platform for learning and improvement. Whether you’re managing large data sets, optimizing database performance, or simply looking to enhance your SQL Server workflow, Axial SQL Tools provides the capabilities you need to succeed.

Advanced Query Formatter

Beautify your SQL scripts on the fly with Microsoft internal SQL parser, making code review and debugging easier than ever.

Effortless Data Export

Transform query results into actionable insights by exporting grids directly to Excel or as insert statements, facilitating data analysis and reporting.

Quick Query Templates

Access a rich library of query templates, compiled from the collective wisdom of numerous SQL experts, to accelerate your workflow and tackle complex queries with ease.

Script Object Definitions

Instantly script out the definition of selected objects, simplifying documentation and schema review processes.

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