Published on

May 28, 2008

Exploring Compound Assignment Operators in SQL Server

SQL Server 2008 introduced a new concept called Compound Assignment Operators. These operators have been available in many other programming languages for quite some time. Compound Assignment Operators allow you to perform an operation on a variable and assign the result in a single line of code.

Let’s take a look at an example to understand how Compound Assignment Operators work. Consider the following code without using Compound Assignment Operators:

SET @myVar = 10
SET @myVar = @myVar * 5
SELECT @myVar AS MyResult

In the above code, we declare a variable @myVar and assign it a value of 10. Then, we multiply the value of @myVar by 5 and assign the result back to @myVar. Finally, we select the value of @myVar as MyResult.

This same operation can be achieved using Compound Assignment Operators, as shown in the following script:

SET @myVar = 10
SET @myVar *= 5
SELECT @myVar AS MyResult

In this code, we use the Compound Assignment Operator *= to multiply the value of @myVar by 5 and assign the result back to @myVar. The final result is the same as in the previous example.

Here is a table of all the Compound Assignment Operators available in SQL Server:

+=Adds a specified amount to the original value and sets the original value to the result.
-=Subtracts a specified amount from the original value and sets the original value to the result.
*=Multiplies the original value by a specified amount and sets the original value to the result.
/=Divides the original value by a specified amount and sets the original value to the result.
%=Divides the original value by a specified amount and sets the original value to the modulo.
&=Performs a bitwise AND operation and sets the original value to the result.
^=Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation and sets the original value to the result.
|=Performs a bitwise OR operation and sets the original value to the result.

Using Compound Assignment Operators can make your code more concise and easier to read. It allows you to perform arithmetic or bitwise operations on variables in a single line, reducing the need for multiple lines of code.

Next time you find yourself performing an operation on a variable and assigning the result back to the same variable, consider using Compound Assignment Operators to simplify your code.

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