Published on

July 10, 2007

Exploring SQL Server: Getting Previous and Next Working Day

While browsing through various blogs and articles, I came across a ColdFusion blog post by Ben Nadel titled “Getting the Previous Day In ColdFusion, Excluding Saturday And Sunday.” It got me thinking about a similar function that I often use in my SQL Server database. This function allows me to exclude weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and retrieve the previous or next working day.

Let’s take a look at the script to create this function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_GetPrevNextWorkDay (@dtDate DATETIME, @strPrevNext VARCHAR(10))
    DECLARE @intDay INT
    SET @intDay = DATEPART(weekday,@dtDate)

    -- To find the previous working day
    IF @strPrevNext = 'Previous'
        IF @intDay = 1
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,-2,@dtDate)
        ELSE IF @intDay = 2
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,-3,@dtDate)
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,-1,@dtDate)

    -- To find the next working day
    ELSE IF @strPrevNext = 'Next'
        IF @intDay = 6
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,3,@dtDate)
        ELSE IF @intDay = 7
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,2,@dtDate)
            SET @rtResult = DATEADD(d,1,@dtDate)

    -- Default case returns the date passed to the function
        SET @rtResult = @dtDate

    RETURN @rtResult

Now, let’s see some examples of how we can use this function:

SELECT dbo.udf_GetPrevNextWorkDay('1/1/2007','Previous')
SELECT dbo.udf_GetPrevNextWorkDay('1/1/2007','Next')
SELECT dbo.udf_GetPrevNextWorkDay('12/31/2007','Previous')
SELECT dbo.udf_GetPrevNextWorkDay('12/31/2007','Next')

By executing the above examples, we can obtain the desired results.

I personally find this function to be one of the most interesting and useful functions related to working with dates and times in SQL Server. It allows us to easily exclude weekends and retrieve the previous or next working day. I highly recommend bookmarking this function for future reference.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found this blog post informative and helpful. If you have any thoughts or questions, please feel free to share them.

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