Published on

October 29, 2015

How to Duplicate a Table in SQL Server

There are many reasons why you might need to create copies of existing relational database tables in SQL Server. Whether it’s for table backup or application testing purposes, duplicating a table can be a useful task to know. In this article, we will explore how to duplicate a table in SQL Server.

Unlike other relational database integrated development environments (IDE), SQL Server provides its own set of tools and commands to duplicate tables. Let’s walk through the steps:

Step 1: Connect to SQL Server

First, you need to connect to your SQL Server instance using a tool such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Azure Data Studio. Once connected, navigate to the database where the table you want to duplicate resides.

Step 2: Create a New Table

To duplicate a table, you need to create a new table with the same structure as the original table. You can do this by executing a CREATE TABLE statement with the SELECT INTO clause. Here’s an example:

		FROM OriginalTable
		WHERE 1 = 0;

This statement creates a new table called “NewTable” and copies the structure of “OriginalTable” without any data. The WHERE 1 = 0 condition ensures that no rows are copied.

Step 3: Copy Data (Optional)

If you also want to duplicate the data from the original table, you can use an INSERT INTO statement to copy the rows. Here’s an example:

		FROM OriginalTable;

This statement inserts all the rows from “OriginalTable” into “NewTable”. If you only want to copy a subset of the data, you can add a WHERE clause to the SELECT statement.

Step 4: Verify the Duplication

Once you have executed the necessary statements, you can verify the duplication by querying the new table. Use a SELECT statement to retrieve the data from “NewTable” and compare it with the original table to ensure that the duplication was successful.

That’s it! You have successfully duplicated a table in SQL Server. Whether you need to create backups or perform testing, knowing how to duplicate tables can be a valuable skill in managing your databases.

Until next time, happy duplicating!


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