Published on

May 23, 2010

Monthly Round Up: SQL Server Concepts and Ideas

After receiving numerous requests from our readers, we have decided to start a monthly round-up of SQL Server concepts and ideas. This will give us an opportunity to revisit and summarize the articles we have published throughout the month. If you find this format helpful, we will continue to provide these round-ups every month.

Let’s begin with a recap of the articles we published this month:

1. What is Adventureworks?

In this article, we answered one of the most common questions asked by our readers – What is Adventureworks? While many of you may already know the answer, we were surprised to find that a significant number of readers were unaware of Adventureworks. We provided a brief overview of Adventureworks and its significance in the SQL Server community.

2. Dual Core vs. Core 2 Duo

Another popular topic we covered this month was the difference between Dual Core and Core 2 Duo processors. We explained the technical differences between these two processor types and discussed their implications for SQL Server performance.

3. Wireless Router Security and Attached Devices

In this article, we discussed the importance of securing your wireless router and the potential risks associated with unsecured devices. We provided tips on how to create complex passwords to protect your network and prevent unauthorized access.

4. Using DMVs in SQL Server

DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) are powerful tools available in SQL Server. We explored various DMVs and demonstrated how they can be used in scripts to gather valuable information about your SQL Server instance. We covered topics such as retrieving the latest SQL query for sessions and finding the most expensive queries using DMVs.

5. Index Size Analysis with PowerShell

In a series of articles, we delved into the topic of index size analysis using different SQL scripts. We also introduced PowerShell as a tool for analyzing index sizes. This was our first attempt at using PowerShell, and we shared our findings and experiences with our readers.

6. Disabled Indexes in SQL Server

We unintentionally wrote a series of articles on disabled indexes this month. We discussed the implications of disabling clustered indexes, understanding the ALTER INDEX ALL REBUILD command with disabled clustered indexes, and the relationship between disabled indexes and update statistics. We plan to provide a follow-up list on this topic in the future.

7. Managing Log Files and Snapshot Isolation

In two special articles, we explored the topics of shrinking log files and using snapshot isolation to reduce blocking transactions. We provided practical examples and explanations to help our readers better understand these concepts.

8. Community Impact Award

In personal news, we are proud to announce that we won the Community Impact Award from Microsoft for our contributions to the SQL Server community. We would like to express our gratitude to our readers for their continued support and feedback.

We hope you found this monthly round-up informative and helpful. We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can improve future round-ups and what additional details you would like us to include. Stay tuned for more SQL Server concepts and ideas in the coming months!

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