Published on

February 10, 2015

Striped Backup in SQL Server

Creating a backup of your SQL Server database is an essential task to ensure data protection and disaster recovery. In some cases, you may want to create a striped backup, which involves splitting the backup across multiple files. This can provide improved performance and flexibility when restoring the database.

To set up a striped backup in SQL Server, you can use the graphical user interface (GUI) or T-SQL commands.

Using the GUI

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your instance.

2. Right-click on the database you want to back up and select “Tasks” and then “Back Up”.

3. In the backup dialog, remove any previous backup files to avoid confusion.

4. Click “Add” to select a backup destination. Choose a folder where you want to store the backup files.

5. In the “Filename” box, specify a name for the backup file. You can include a recognizable identifier, such as “_stripe1_of_2”, to indicate that it is a striped backup.

6. Click “OK” and repeat steps 4-5 to add another backup file for the stripe.

7. Click “OK” to start the backup process. You should receive a success message upon completion.

Using T-SQL

If you prefer using T-SQL commands, you can easily convert a non-striped backup command to a striped backup by adding additional file paths.

Here’s an example:

TO DISK = 'Sandbox_20150123_stripe1_of_2.bak',
DISK = 'sandbox_20150123_stripe2_of_2.bak'

Make sure to specify unique and meaningful filenames for each backup file.

By using striped backups, you can distribute the backup workload across multiple files and potentially improve backup and restore performance. It’s important to note that the files should be stored on separate disks or disk arrays to fully leverage the benefits of striping.

Remember to regularly test your backups and ensure that you have a proper backup strategy in place to protect your valuable data.

That’s it! You now know how to set up a striped backup in SQL Server using both the GUI and T-SQL commands. Start implementing this technique in your backup strategy to enhance performance and flexibility.

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