Published on

December 26, 2013

Understanding SQL Server Shutdown with PowerShell

Recently, I received an interesting question about using a PowerShell script to shutdown SQL Services. The question was whether the -Force flag used in the Stop-Services command executes a shutdown process internally or if it performs a shutdown with NOWAIT.

Let’s break down the question and explore the possibilities.

First, let’s understand the behavior of the SHUTDOWN command in T-SQL. When we execute the SHUTDOWN command without the WITH NOWAIT syntax, it waits for all currently running Transact-SQL statements or stored procedures to finish before shutting down the server. On the other hand, when we use the SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT syntax, it immediately shuts down the server without performing a checkpoint. This means that more work is required for the server when it restarts.

Now, let’s relate this behavior to the PowerShell command Stop-Services 'mysqlserver' -Force. When the -Force flag is used, it allows the service to be stopped even if it has dependent services. This suggests that the -Force flag in PowerShell is equivalent to the WITH NOWAIT syntax in T-SQL.

However, it’s important to note that without official documentation or confirmation from Microsoft, we cannot be certain about the internal workings of the PowerShell command. Guessing or assuming may lead to incorrect conclusions.

In conclusion, while it is likely that the -Force flag in the Stop-Services command performs a shutdown with NOWAIT internally, we cannot be certain without official confirmation. It’s always best to rely on official documentation or consult Microsoft support for accurate information.

Do you have any other questions or topics related to SQL Server that you would like me to cover in future blog posts? Let me know in the comments below!

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