Published on

December 16, 2022

Understanding Trees in SQL Server

Employee lists in organizations are often maintained in spreadsheets or database tables which record each employee’s number, name, position and so on. However, querying and analyzing the relationships between employees can be challenging with such tables. In this article, we will explore how to represent and query hierarchical data using the concept of trees in SQL Server.

What is a Tree?

In computer science, a tree is a type of graph where a unique path exists between any two nodes. In the context of SQL Server, a tree can be represented using a parent-child relationship between records in a table. Each record has a parent record, except for the top node which has a NULL parent. This hierarchical structure allows us to organize and analyze data in a tree-like manner.

Representing a Tree in SQL Server

To represent a tree in SQL Server, we can use a table with columns such as NodeId, Node, and ParentId. The NodeId column serves as a unique identifier for each node, the Node column stores the data associated with each node, and the ParentId column establishes the parent-child relationship between nodes.

For example, let’s consider a table called “Employee” with columns “EmployeeId”, “Name”, and “ManagerId”. The “ManagerId” column references the “EmployeeId” of the manager for each employee. By querying this table, we can construct a tree-like structure that represents the organizational hierarchy.

Querying a Tree in SQL Server

Once we have represented a tree in SQL Server, we can perform various queries and analyses on the hierarchical data. For example, we can retrieve all employees who work under a given manager, directly or indirectly, by traversing the tree from the manager node.

Additionally, we can calculate metrics such as the ratio of employees to direct reports for managers at different levels in the hierarchy. This can be achieved by utilizing the depth and height properties of each node in the tree.

Example Code

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to represent and query a tree in SQL Server:

    EmployeeId INT PRIMARY KEY,
    Name VARCHAR(50),
    ManagerId INT REFERENCES Employee(EmployeeId)

-- Query all employees under a given manager
WITH EmployeeHierarchy AS (
    SELECT EmployeeId, Name, ManagerId, 0 AS Level
    FROM Employee
    WHERE EmployeeId = @ManagerId
    SELECT e.EmployeeId, e.Name, e.ManagerId, eh.Level + 1
    FROM Employee e
    INNER JOIN EmployeeHierarchy eh ON e.ManagerId = eh.EmployeeId
SELECT EmployeeId, Name, Level
FROM EmployeeHierarchy;

-- Calculate the ratio of employees to direct reports for managers at different levels
WITH EmployeeMetrics AS (
    SELECT e.EmployeeId, e.Name, COUNT(d.EmployeeId) AS DirectReports
    FROM Employee e
    LEFT JOIN Employee d ON e.EmployeeId = d.ManagerId
    GROUP BY e.EmployeeId, e.Name
SELECT e.EmployeeId, e.Name, e.DirectReports, e.DirectReports / (m.DirectReports + 1) AS Ratio
FROM EmployeeMetrics e
INNER JOIN EmployeeMetrics m ON e.EmployeeId = m.EmployeeId - 1;

By utilizing common table expressions (CTEs) and recursive queries, we can easily traverse the tree and perform complex analyses on the hierarchical data.


Trees are a powerful concept in SQL Server that allow us to represent and query hierarchical data. By understanding how to represent a tree in a table and utilizing recursive queries, we can perform various analyses on the hierarchical data. Whether it’s analyzing organizational hierarchies or representing other types of hierarchical relationships, trees provide a flexible and efficient solution in SQL Server.

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