Published on

October 6, 2020

Using SQL Server with MuleESB

Are you a MuleESB user looking to integrate SQL Server into your applications? In this article, we will explore how to use SQL Server with MuleESB and discuss some important considerations for configuration and performance.

What is MuleESB?

MuleESB is an open-source enterprise service bus (ESB) that allows for the integration of various systems and applications. It provides a platform for creating complex applications quickly and easily. If you are familiar with Java, you will find MuleESB particularly user-friendly. It is widely used for processing web requests and integrating with existing systems.

Why Choose SQL Server?

SQL Server has become the go-to choice for storing almost any type of data, thanks to its recent advancements. With the ability to run SQL Server 2017 on Linux, MuleESB users can now benefit from the flexibility and scalability of SQL Server on their preferred operating system.

Connecting to SQL Server

Previously, MuleESB had a SQL Server connector, but it has been deprecated and replaced with the Generic Database Connector. This connector works with most JDBC drivers. To get started, you will need to download the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft and add it to your MuleESB project.

Configuring the database connector is surprisingly easy. You simply add a standard connection string and reference the JDBC driver. Aireforge has created an online connection string builder that you may find useful. Here is an example connection string:


It is recommended to store the connection parameters in a central configuration file for easier management. This allows you to automatically set the environment settings or switch between development and production environments.

Configuration and Performance Considerations

When working with SQL Server and MuleESB, there are some important configuration and performance considerations to keep in mind:

  • By default, the maximum database connections in SQL Server is 5. If you anticipate needing more connections, make sure to adjust this setting accordingly.
  • Consider using a minimum connection pool size to reduce overhead on both MuleESB and SQL Server.
  • If you are load balancing connections, set the Load Balance Timeout to ensure automatic balancing after server restarts.
  • Enable delayed durability when saving logging data to reduce time in SQL Server and free up database connections quicker.
  • For very busy applications, consider using memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures to improve performance.
  • Use stored procedures or parameterized queries when communicating with SQL Server to enable query plan reuse.


SQL Server is a powerful and versatile database option for MuleESB users. With its recent advancements and compatibility with MuleESB, it provides a reliable and efficient solution for storing and retrieving data. By following the configuration and performance considerations outlined in this article, you can optimize your MuleESB applications for seamless integration with SQL Server.

Original post by Phil Grayson at

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