In this article, we will explore how to create a basic tabular report incorporating a sparkline chart and line chart in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). We will be using SSRS 2014 and the AdventureWorksDW2014 sample database as the data source.
To begin, we need to create a new Report Server Project in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). We will name the project “SSRS GoTo” and add a new shared data source called “ResellerData”. This data source will be connected to the AdventureWorksDW2014 database.
Once the shared data source is created, we can add a new report to the project. In the Report Data pane, we will add a new data source called “ResellerData” and select the shared data source we created earlier. This will establish a reference to the shared data source for this report.
Next, we will create a dataset to retrieve specific data from tables. We will name the dataset “dsResellerSales” and select the stored procedure “usp_GetResellerSales” to gather the data. This stored procedure includes a query parameter to filter the data by year.
Now that we have set up the data source and dataset, we can start building the report. We will use a tabular layout and add the necessary fields and columns to display the data. We will also add row groups and column groups to organize the data.
Once the basic structure of the report is in place, we can add some formatting to improve the overall look. We will format the numbers as currency and adjust the alignment of the columns. We will also add a page header with a title for the report.
To enhance the report with drill-down functionality, we will hide certain columns and only display them when a specific category is selected. This will allow users to explore the data in more detail.
In addition to the tabular report, we will also add a sparkline chart and a line chart to provide visual representations of the data. The sparkline chart will show the monthly sales trend within each territory for each product category. The line chart will display the sales vs. quotas for employees.
Finally, we will make some adjustments to the charts to improve their visibility and aesthetics. We will change the chart types, adjust the axis properties, and customize the colors and markers.
By following these steps, you will be able to create a tabular report with sparkline and line charts in SQL Server Reporting Services. This will allow you to present your data in a visually appealing and interactive manner, making it easier for users to analyze and understand the information.
Remember, this is just a basic example, and there are many more features and options available in SSRS to further enhance your reports. With practice and experimentation, you can create even more sophisticated and insightful reports.
Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it helpful in your journey to master SQL Server Reporting Services.