As a SQL Server user, it’s important to have a good understanding of your databases and their properties. In a previous article, we discussed how to find the last backup time for all databases. Today, we will explore a script shared by SQL Server expert Matteo that provides a wealth of information about your databases.
Let’s take a look at the script:
SELECT database_id , CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 25 ), ) AS dbName , CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 10 ), DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( name , 'status' )) AS [Status] , state_desc , ( SELECT COUNT ( 1 ) FROM sys.master_files WHERE DB_NAME ( database_id ) = AND type_desc = 'rows' ) AS DataFiles , ( SELECT SUM (( size * 8 )/ 1024 ) FROM sys.master_files WHERE DB_NAME ( database_id ) = AND type_desc = 'rows' ) AS [Data MB] , ( SELECT COUNT ( 1 ) FROM sys.master_files WHERE DB_NAME ( database_id ) = AND type_desc = 'log' ) AS LogFiles , ( SELECT SUM (( size * 8 )/ 1024 ) FROM sys.master_files WHERE DB_NAME ( database_id ) = AND type_desc = 'log' ) AS [Log MB] , user_access_desc AS [User access] , recovery_model_desc AS [Recovery model] , CASE compatibility_level WHEN 60 THEN '60 (SQL Server 6.0)' WHEN 65 THEN '65 (SQL Server 6.5)' WHEN 70 THEN '70 (SQL Server 7.0)' WHEN 80 THEN '80 (SQL Server 2000)' WHEN 90 THEN '90 (SQL Server 2005)' WHEN 100 THEN '100 (SQL Server 2008)' END AS [compatibility level] , CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), create_date , 103 ) + ' ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), create_date , 108 ) AS [Creation date] , -- last backup ISNULL (( SELECT TOP 1 CASE TYPE WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full' WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential' WHEN 'L' THEN 'Transaction log' END + ' – ' + LTRIM ( ISNULL ( STR ( ABS ( DATEDIFF ( DAY , GETDATE (), Backup_finish_date ))) + ' days ago' , 'NEVER' )) + ' – ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), backup_start_date , 103 ) + ' ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), backup_start_date , 108 ) + ' – ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), backup_finish_date , 103 ) + ' ' + CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 20 ), backup_finish_date , 108 ) + ' (' + CAST ( DATEDIFF ( second , BK.backup_start_date , BK.backup_finish_date ) AS VARCHAR ( 4 )) + ' ' + 'seconds)' FROM msdb..backupset BK WHERE BK.database_name = ORDER BY backup_set_id DESC ), '-' ) AS [Last backup] , CASE WHEN is_fulltext_enabled = 1 THEN 'Fulltext enabled' ELSE '' END AS [fulltext] , CASE WHEN is_auto_close_on = 1 THEN 'autoclose' ELSE '' END AS [autoclose] , page_verify_option_desc AS [page verify option] , CASE WHEN is_read_only = 1 THEN 'read only' ELSE '' END AS [read only] , CASE WHEN is_auto_shrink_on = 1 THEN 'autoshrink' ELSE '' END AS [autoshrink] , CASE WHEN is_auto_create_stats_on = 1 THEN 'auto create statistics' ELSE '' END AS [auto create statistics] , CASE WHEN is_auto_update_stats_on = 1 THEN 'auto update statistics' ELSE '' END AS [auto update statistics] , CASE WHEN is_in_standby = 1 THEN 'standby' ELSE '' END AS [standby] , CASE WHEN is_cleanly_shutdown = 1 THEN 'cleanly shutdown' ELSE '' END AS [cleanly shutdown] FROM sys.databases DB ORDER BY dbName , [Last backup] DESC , NAME
This script uses the sys.databases
system view to retrieve various information about each database in your SQL Server instance. It provides details such as the database name, status, state, number and size of data and log files, user access, recovery model, compatibility level, creation date, last backup information, and various database options.
By running this script on your database, you can gain insights into the characteristics and properties of your databases. It can be particularly useful for database administrators and developers who need to monitor and manage multiple databases.
For example, you can use this script to identify databases that haven’t been backed up recently, check the size of data and log files, and review various database options that might impact performance and security.
Remember to replace the sys.databases
view with the appropriate database name if you want to retrieve information for a specific database.
Overall, this script provides a comprehensive overview of your SQL Server databases, allowing you to better understand and manage them.
I hope you find this information useful in your SQL Server journey. Stay tuned for more articles on SQL Server concepts and best practices!