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June 11, 2009

Top 5 Features of SQL Server Management Studio 2008

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a powerful tool for managing and querying SQL Server databases. With the release of SQL Server 2008, Microsoft introduced several new features and enhancements to SSMS that have greatly improved the productivity of database administrators (DBAs) and developers. In this article, we will explore the top 5 features of SQL Server Management Studio 2008.

1. IntelliSense for Query Editing

IntelliSense is a feature that provides code completion and suggestions while writing queries. It helps DBAs and developers by eliminating the need to remember syntax or constantly refer to online references. IntelliSense in SSMS 2008 offers additional features such as list members, parameter info, quick info, complete word, and the ability to refresh the local cache. It can be enabled or disabled from the Query menu.

2. Multi Server Query

DBAs often manage multiple servers and need to perform tasks across all of them. SSMS 2008 allows running queries on different servers from a single query editor window. By registering all the servers under the registered server, DBAs can easily execute queries on multiple servers simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful when checking the status of multiple servers or performing administrative tasks across a server group.

3. Query Editor Regions

Query Editor Regions help organize and navigate through large T-SQL code files. They allow collapsing and expanding sections of code based on regions defined by GO commands, BEGIN-END blocks, and multiline statements. This feature is especially beneficial when working with lengthy code files, as it improves code readability and makes it easier to locate specific sections of code.

4. Object Explorer Enhancements

Object Explorer in SSMS 2008 has been enhanced with new features and functionalities. Object Explorer Detail view provides additional information about objects and allows performing object searches. It also includes new wizards for various tasks, such as policy management and disk monitoring. One notable feature is the ability to copy and paste data from Object Explorer Detail view directly into Excel without any formatting issues.

5. Activity Monitors

The Activity Monitor in SSMS 2008 has been completely revamped and provides valuable insights into server performance. It displays graphs and statistics related to processor usage, waiting tasks, database I/O, and batch requests. The four tabs within the Activity Monitor provide detailed information about processes, resource waits, data file I/O, and recent expensive queries. The Recent Expensive Queries tab is particularly useful for identifying slow-running queries and optimizing performance.

In conclusion, SQL Server Management Studio 2008 offers a wide range of features and enhancements that greatly improve the productivity and efficiency of DBAs and developers. The IntelliSense for Query Editing, Multi Server Query, Query Editor Regions, Object Explorer Enhancements, and Activity Monitors are just a few of the many features that make SSMS 2008 a powerful tool for managing and querying SQL Server databases.

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