Published on

July 19, 2023

Understanding SQL Server Roles

In SQL Server, a role is a collection of permissions or privileges that can be granted to one or more users or other roles. Roles are used to simplify the management of permissions by grouping them together and assigning them to users. There are two types of roles in SQL Server:

  • Login Role – Roles that can log in are called login roles. They are equivalent to users in other database systems.
  • Group Role – When roles contain other roles, they are called group roles.

To create a role in SQL Server, you can use the following syntax:

CREATE ROLE role_name;

It’s important to note that when a role is created, it doesn’t come with any permissions, not even the permission to log in. However, you can grant permissions to a role using the GRANT statement.

To list all existing roles in SQL Server, you can use the following command:

SELECT name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type = 'R';

To update a role and add necessary permissions to it, you can use the ALTER ROLE statement. For example, to give login rights to a role, you can use the following syntax:


If you want to create a role with a password, you can use the following syntax:

CREATE LOGIN role_name WITH PASSWORD = 'password';

To switch to another role, you can use the following command:

EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'role_name';

It’s important to note that both the database and role need to be supplied when switching to another role.

SQL Server also provides the ability to create roles with special privileges. For example, you can create a role with the SYSADMIN privilege, which bypasses all permission checks except the right to log in. However, it’s recommended to use such privileges carefully and only when needed.

In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you can navigate to the “Security” folder to find the list of all available roles. From there, you can manage the role’s privileges and access.

In conclusion, roles in SQL Server are a powerful tool for managing permissions and simplifying user management. By grouping permissions together and assigning them to roles, you can easily control access to your database.

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